Diamond Apartmenthotel

Golf Packages

Featured Packages

3 Noches & 3 Greenfees

"Diamond Adventure"

3 Noches & 3 Greenfees

"Best of Niederösterreich"

4 Noches & 4 Greenfees

"Best of Niederösterreich"

Top Reasons To Book

Hotel directly on course

This hotel is located directly on a golf course.

Great golf courses

Guests have rated the golf courses 9,8 / 10

Great value

Guests have rated the price/value of this hotel 9,2 / 10

Exceptionally clean

Guests have rated the condition and cleaness of this hotel 9,0 / 10


Diamond RoomBreakfastBoathouse Restaurant

Campos de golf disponibles

Mapa & entorno

Hotel Location

Am Golfplatz 1, A-3452 Atzenbrugg, Austria

Nearest Airports

  • Viena (VIE) – 76 km (59 min) from the hotel

Opiniones de los huéspedes

100% verified reviews from Albrecht Golf Travel clients
9,0Fantástico Based on 15 reviews


Alemania, Pareja, 4 noches

Muy agradable Golf Hotel

Hermosos apartamentos (habitaciones) con estilo, campo de golf de primer nivel. Buen personal. Gran desayuno.
Sólo parcialmente adecuado para estancias más largas, ya que es muy remoto y sólo hay pocos restaurantes.

Traducido por Google.



Alemania, Grupo de amigos, 4 noches

El mejor resort de golf

Estábamos allí por segunda vez con 8 personas. Todos quedaron más que satisfechos.

Traducido por Google.



Alemania, Pareja, 3 noches

Alojamiento con inconvenientes... Grandes campos de golf

Teníamos una habitación doble premium, pero a partir de las 4:30 de la mañana temprano pasaba cada media hora por detrás de la casa un tren de transporte con bocina que estaba desmantelando una antigua central eléctrica de carbón. Se necesitará al menos un año más para desmantelar la central eléctrica. Desafortunadamente, dormir está fuera de discusión. Sin embargo, los campos de golf valieron la pena el viaje.

Traducido por Google.

Diamond Apartmenthotel


Questions and Answers

How do I book my trip online?

After you have received an offer, which you like, please click on the orange button "Book now". Then fill out the short questionnaire (regarding information about travellers and tee times) and send the form. After receiving your booking, we will verify the availability of the hotel. Once your stay is confirmed by the hotel (usually within one working day), you will receive our confirmation email together with an invoice for the amount due. The invoice can be paid online by credit card or by standard bank transfer. In case the hotel is not available for the requested booking period, your booking will be cancelled without any charge, and you will be informed immediately.

How can I pay for my trip?

The invoice can be paid online by credit card or by bank transfer. In the our email with your invoice you will find the link to the online payment system as well as the invoice in PDF format with our bank details.

By when do I have to pay for my trip and how much is the deposit?

The deposit is 20 percent and is due immediately. The balance is due four weeks prior departure.

How can I redeem my discount code?

You can enter the discount code from the Albrecht Golf Guide in the booking form. Alternatively, please send us your discount code by email to travel@albrecht.de, after the booking has been confirmed.

Can I cancel or rebook my trip?

Yes, you can cancel at any time. Up to 35 days before departure of your trip cancellation is free of charge for you, unless there are other cancellation conditions listed on your offer and invoice. We have a few hotels that do not offer free cancellation when using an early bird discount. However, more over 90 percent of our partner hotels allow free cancellation up to 35 days before arrival. After that, staggered cancellation fees apply.

Further questions & answers can be found on our FAQ page. If you have any other requests, questions or would like personal advice, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Lun-Vie: 9:00 - 17:00

+49 (89) 85853-300

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