Golf club vicino Haikou

2 Risultati

Mostra soltanto:

  • Campo: 18 buche×
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West Coast Golf Club

Hainan (7 mi da Haikou)Mappa | Indicazioni

18 buche
142-169 € / Partita

Campo a 18 bucheLu-Do142-169 € / Partita
Mission Hills Resort Hainan

Mission Hills Resort Hainan

Haikou (8.5 mi da Haikou)Mappa | Indicazioni

5.0 su 5 stelle1 recensione(1)

18/18/18/18/18/18/18/18/18/18 buche

Campo a 18 buche BlackstoneLu-Do
Campo a 18 buche Sandbelt TrailsLu-Do
Campo a 18 buche The VintageLu-Do
Campo a 18 buche Stepping StoneLu-Do
Campo a 18 buche Lava FieldsLu-Do
Campo a 18 buche Meadow LinksLu-Do
Campo a 18 buche The PreserveLu-Do
Campo a 18 buche Double PinLu-Do
Campo a 18 buche Stone QuarryLu-Do
Campo a 18 buche Shadow DunesLu-Do